Tangible Advice to Write a Scientific Literature ReviewFor the past two months I’ve been deep into Google Scholar, reading over 700 scientific papers about bioengineering maize and writing a 40…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024
An Essay About Agriculture in South AfricaAn opportunity case study of anaerobic digestion to create biogas and organic fertilizer out of agricultural and municipal waste and the…Jan 16, 2024Jan 16, 2024
The Adventure that Ignited my Love of AdventuresKayaking 121km Across the Atlantic OceanDec 16, 2023Dec 16, 2023
How to Get Free Stuff from Strangers and Build ConfidenceI was nominated by my family during our most recent camping trip to find BBQ sauce and ketchup.Sep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
The Multidimensional Causes of Extreme PovertyUnderstanding life for 10% of our populationAug 18, 20233Aug 18, 20233
My Life PhilosophySpend time in nature every day. Appreciate the beauty of everything nature has to offer. Bask in the sunshine, take in stunning views and…Aug 5, 20235Aug 5, 20235
The Art of the Master Communicator34 things you can do to become a more articulate, confident and effective communicatorAug 4, 20232Aug 4, 20232
What a Box of Swiss Chocolate Taught me About my Life MissionIt was 3am and I couldn’t fall asleep. My mind brain was racing and thoughts were firing through my head at a hundred miles an hour. It was…Jul 25, 20233Jul 25, 20233
A Beginner’s Guide To HydroponicsHow to design, build and operate a small hydroponics farm [from an urban farmers who grows over 800 heads of lettuce a year]Jul 15, 20232Jul 15, 20232
What if Small Scale Farmers in Sub Saharan Africa Could Create Effective Fertilizer in their…My idea to utilize anaerobic digestion, microalgae and bacteria to make this a reality.Jan 24, 2023Jan 24, 2023